2010 | Fiscal
Competition for Imperfectly-Mobile Labor and Capital: A Comparative
Dynamic Analysis, Journal of Public Economics.
Animated figures,
similar to Figures 1-3 in the above-mentioned paper, show the
sensitivity of the analysis to varying specifications of the
adjustment cost parameters of the model.
| State
Corporation Income Taxation: An Economic Perspective on
Nexus, National Tax Journal.
Transfers to Local Governments, in Gregory K. Ingram and Yu-Hung Hong (eds.), Municipal
Revenue and Land Policies (Cambridge: Lincoln Institute of Land
2009 |
Think Locally,
Act Locally: Spillovers, Spillbacks, and Efficient Decentralized
Policymaking, with H. Ogawa, American Economic
State and Local Government Finance in the Current Crisis: Time for
Emergency Federal Relief?, Municipal Finance Journal.
Finance in an Era of Global Demographic Change: Fertility Busts,
Migration Booms, and Public Policy, in J. Bhagwati and G. Hanson (eds.), Skilled Immigration Today: Problems, Prospects, Policies (Oxford: Oxford University Press). Abstract |
2008 |
New Directions in Fiscal Federalism: Introduction, with R. Boadway
and T. Buettner, Journal of Public Economics.
Policies: Some Implications for Public Finance in the
U.S. Federation, Public Finance Review. Abstract
| Fiscal
The New Palgrave, second edition.
2007 |
Policy in the U.S. Federation: Intergovernmental Incentives and
Institutional Reform, National Tax Association, Proceedings of
the 99th Annual Conference.
Abstract |
Symposium on "New Directions in Fiscal
Federalism": An Introduction, with T. Buettner,
CESifo Economic Studies.
Pre-Emption: Federal Statutory
Intervention in State Taxation, National Tax Journal.
| Medicaid Expenditures and State Budgets: Past, Present, and Future, with J. Marton, National Tax Journal.
| State Government Cash and In-kind Benefits: Intergovernmental Fiscal
Transfers and Cross-Program Substitution, with J. Marton,
Journal of Urban Economics.
| Economic Integration and Labor Market
Institutions: Worker Mobility, Earnings Risk, and Contract
Structure, with R. Schoeb, Regional Science and Urban
| Local
Government Finance in Kentucky: Time for Reform?, Kentucky
Annual Economic Report.
| Are State Business Tax Incentives Good Public Policy?: Comments on Some Multi-Disciplinary Perspectives in the Wake of Cuno v. DaimlerChrysler, National Tax Association, Proceedings of the 99th Annual Conference.
2006 |
Competition, in B. Weingast and D. Wittman (eds.), Handbook of
Political Economy (Oxford: Oxford University Press).
Global Competition for Mobile Resources: Implications for Equity,
Efficiency, and Political Economy, CESifo Economic Studies.
The Dynamics of Municipal Fiscal Adjustment, with
T. Buettner, Journal of Public Economics.
2005 |
Fiscal Policy, Human Capital, and Canada-U.S. Labor Market
Integration, in R.G. Harris and T. Lemieux (eds.), Social and
Labour Market Aspects of North American Linkages (Calgary:
University of Calgary Press).
2004 |
The Institutions of Federalism: Toward an
Analytical Framework, National Tax Journal.
Pareto-Efficient International Taxation,
with M. Keen, American Economic Review.
Capital Tax Competition: Bane or Boon?, with J.D. Wilson (principal author), Journal of Public Economics.
Economic Integration and the Welfare State, CESifo Forum.
2003 | Fiscal
Competition: An Introduction, Journal of Public Economic
(The above essay is an introduction to a special issue of the Journal of
Public Economic Theory; you may wish to consult the table
of contents for more details.) |
| Fiscal
Competition in Space and Time, Journal of Public
Economics. A (Much) Longer
Version, with Derivations and Illustrative Calculations. Table 1 Abstract
Liberalization and the Spatial Allocation of Population in Developing
and Transition Countries, in J. Alm and J.J. Martinez-Vasquez (eds.),
Public Finance in Developing and Transition Countries: Essays in
Honor of Richard Bird (Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing).
2002 | Local Public
Finance in the Aftermath of September 11, Journal of Urban
Tax Coordination: The Importance of Institutions, Swedish Economic Policy Review.
Fiscal Policy in Post-EMU Europe,
European Union Politics.
2001 |
A series of chapters in D. Wildasin, M. Childress,
M. Hackbart, L.K. Lynch, and C.W. Martie, Financing
State and Local Government (Frankfort: Kentucky
Long-Term Policy Research Center):
Chapter 1: "Tax Reform in Kentucky: Principles and Practice"
Chapter 2: "Recent Trends in Kentucky State and Local Tax Policy"
Chapter 3: "Sales Taxation in Kentucky: Problems and Prospects"
Chapter 6: "Local Government Finances in Kentucky"
2000 |
Mobility and Fiscal Policy in the EU: Policy Issues and Analytical
Approaches, Economic Policy.
| State and
Provincial Corporation Income Taxation: Current Practice and Policy
Issues for the U.S. and Canada, Canadian Tax Journal.
| Labor Market
Integration, Investment in Risky Human Capital, and Fiscal
Competition, American Economic Review.
1999 | Public
Pensions in the EU: Migration Incentives and Impacts, in A. Panagariya,
P.R. Portney and R.M. Schwab (eds.), Environmental Economics and Public
Policy: Essays in Honor of Wallace E. Oates (Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing).
| Taxation,
Migration, and Pollution, with A. Sandmo, International
Tax and Public Finance.
1998 | Risky Local Tax Bases: Risk-Pooling vs. Rent-Capture, with J.D. Wilson, Journal of Public Economics.
| Factor
Mobility and Redistributive Policy: Local and International Perspectives,
in P.B. Sorensen (ed.), Public Finance in a Changing World
(London: MacMillan Press, Ltd).
| James A. Mirrlees and William Vickrey: The Nobel Laureates and Their Contributions to Public Economics, International Tax and Public Finance.
1997 | Fiscal
Aspects of Evolving Federations: Issues for Policy and Research, in
D.E. Wildasin (ed.), Fiscal Aspects of Evolving Federations
(Cambridge: Cambridge University Press).
| Income
Distribution and Redistribution within Federations, Annales
d'Economie et de Statistique.
| Factor Mobility, Risk, Inequality, and Redistribution, in D. Pines, E. Sadka, and I. Zilcha (eds.), Topics in Public Economics, (Cambridge, Cambridge University Press).
1996 | Decentralized
Income Redistribution and Immigration, with D. Wellisch, European
Economic Review.
| Fiscal Aspects
of Evolving Federations: Introduction, International Tax and Public
| Comments
on "Fiscal Federalism and Decentralization: A Review of Some Efficiency
and Macroeconomic Aspects" by V. Tanzi, in M. Bruno and B. Pleskovic (eds.),
Annual World Bank Conference on Development Economics, 1995
(Washington, DC: The World Bank).
| Imperfect Mobility and Local Government Behavior in an Overlapping-Generations Model, with J.D. Wilson,
Journal of Public Economics.
1995 | Factor Mobility,
Risk, and Redistribution in the Welfare State, Scandinavian Journal
of Economics.
| Comments
on "Institutional Competition" by D.C. North, in H. Siebert (ed.),
Competition in the World Economy (Tuebingen: J.C.B. Mohr (Paul Siebeck)).
| Optimal
Transportation Policy with Strategic Locational Choice, with
J.F. Thisse, Regional Science and Urban Economics.
1994 | Taxation
and Savings: A Survey, with R.W. Boadway, Fiscal Studies.
| Income
Redistribution and Migration, Canadian Journal of Economics.
1993 | Fiscal
Competition and Interindustry Trade, Regional Science and Urban
| Steady-State Welfare Effects of Social Security in a Large Open Economy, with F. Breyer, in B. Felderer (eds.), Journal of Economics (Zeitschrift fur Nationalokonomie), Supplementum 7 (Vienna: Springer Verlag).
| Long-Term Debt Strategy: A Survey, with R.W. Boadway, in F. van Winden and H.A.A. Verbon (eds.), The Political Economy of Government Debt (Amsterdam: North-Holland).
| State Income Taxation with Mobile Labor, Journal of Policy Analysis and Management.
1992 | Relaxation of
Barriers to Factor Mobility and Income Redistribution, in P. Pestieau
(ed.), Public Finance in a World of Transition, a Supplement to
Vol. 47 of Public Finance/Finances Publiques.
| Public Facility Location and Urban Spatial Structure: Equilibrium and Welfare Analysis, with J.F. Thisse, Journal of Public Economics.
1991 | Some Rudimentary 'Duopolity' Theory, Regional Science and Urban Economics.
| Theoretical Issues in Local Public Economics: An Overview, with J.D. Wilson, Regional Science and Urban Economics.
| Income Redistribution in a Common Labor Market, American Economic Review.
| The Marginal Cost of Public Funds with an Aging Population, Journal of Population Economics.
1990 | R.M. Haig: Pioneer Advocate of Expenditure Taxation?, Journal of Economic Literature.
| Non-neutrality of Debt with Endogenous Fertility, Oxford Economic Papers.
| Optimal Tax-Subsidy Policies for Industrial Adjustment to Uncertain Shocks, with R.W. Boadway, Oxford Economic Papers.
| Budgetary Pressures in the EEC: A Fiscal Federalism Perspective, American Economic Review.
1989 | Tax Expenditures: The Personal Standard, in N. Bruce (ed.), Tax Expenditures and Government Policy, (Kingston, Ontario: John Deutsch Institute for the Study of Economic Policy).
| Tax-Transfer Policies and the Voluntary Provision of Public Goods, with R.W. Boadway and P. Pestieau, Journal of Public Economics.
| Non-Cooperative Behavior and Efficient Provision of Public Goods, with R.W. Boadway and P. Pestieau, Public Finance/Finances Publiques.
| Demand Estimation for Public Goods: Distortionary Taxation and Other Sources of Bias, Regional Science and Urban Economics.
| A Median Voter Model of Social Security, with R.W. Boadway, International Economic Review.
| Interjurisdictional Capital Mobility: Fiscal Externality and a Corrective Subsidy, Journal of Urban Economics.
| Voting Models of Social Security Determination, with R.W. Boadway, in B. Gustafsson and A. Klevmarken (eds.), The Political Economy of Social Security (Amsterdam: North-Holland).
1988 | The (Apparent) Demise of Sales Tax Deductibility: Issues for Analysis and Policy, National Tax Journal.
| Indirect Distributional Effects in Benefit-Cost Analysis of Small Projects, Economic Journal.
| Nash Equilibria in Models of Fiscal Competition, Journal of Public Economics.
1987 | The Demand for Public Goods in the Presence of Tax Exporting, National Tax Journal.
| Theoretical Analysis of Local Public Economics, in S. Mills (ed.), Handbook of Regional and Urban Economics (Amsterdam: North-Holland).
| Tax Exporting and the Marginal Cost of Public Spending, Economics Letters.
| Federal-State-Local Fiscal Relations: A Review of the Treasury Report, Public Finance Quarterly.
1986 | Interstate Tax Competition: A Comment, National Tax Journal.
| Randomization of Commodity Taxes: An Expenditure Minimization Approach, with F.R. Chang, Journal of Public Economics.
| Spatial Variation of the Marginal Utility of Income and Unequal Treatment of Equals, Journal of Urban Economics.
1985 | Income Taxes and Urban Spatial Structure, Journal of Urban Economics.
| On the Analysis of Labor and Capital Income Taxation in a Growing Economy with Government Saving, Public Finance/Finances Publiques.
| An Alternative Approach to Aggregate Surplus Analysis, with R. Harris, Journal of Public Economics.
1984 | The q Theory of Investment with Many Capital Goods, American Economic Review.
| A Note on the Analytics of the RFPS Equalization Formula, with T.J. Courchene, Equalization Payments: Past, Present and Future (Toronto: Ontario Economic Council).
| The Welfare Effects of Intergovernmental Grants in an Economy with Distortionary Local Taxes: A Simple General Equilibrium Analysis, Journal of Public Economics.
| Comment on Province Building and Industrial Structure in a Small Open Economy, in D.D. Purvis (ed.), Economic Adjustment and Public Policy in Canada (Kingston, Ontario: John Deutsch Institute for the Study of Economic Policy).
| On Public Good Provision with Distortionary Taxation, Economic Inquiry.
1983 | The Welfare Effects of Intergovernmental Grants in an Economy with Independent Jurisdictions, Journal of Urban Economics.
1982 | More on the Neutrality of Land Taxation, National Tax Journal.
1980 | Distributional Neutrality and Optimal Commodity Taxation: Reply, American Economic Review.
| Locational Efficiency in a Federal System, Regional Science and Urban Economics.
1979 | Public Good Provision with Optimal and Non-Optimal Commodity Taxation: The Single Consumer Case, Economics Letters.
| Local Public Goods, Property Values, and Local Public Choice, Journal of Urban Economics.
1978 | Some "New" Results on Optimal Commodity Taxation, Public Finance/Finances Publiques.
1977 | Distributional Neutrality and Optimal Commodity Taxation, American Economic Review.
| Public Expenditures Determined by Voting with One's Feet and Public Choice, Scandinavian Journal of Economics.