A Sample of Previously-Published and Forthcoming Papers

Please be aware that the documents provided here are generally not identical to the final published versions. For the latter, or for copies of publications not listed here, please consult the publications themselves or send a request for a reprint.

2010 Fiscal Competition for Imperfectly-Mobile Labor and Capital: A Comparative Dynamic Analysis, Journal of Public Economics.
Animated figures, similar to Figures 1-3 in the above-mentioned paper, show the sensitivity of the analysis to varying specifications of the adjustment cost parameters of the model.
State Corporation Income Taxation: An Economic Perspective on Nexus, National Tax Journal.
Intergovernmental Transfers to Local Governments, in Gregory K. Ingram and Yu-Hung Hong (eds.), Municipal Revenue and Land Policies (Cambridge: Lincoln Institute of Land Policy).
2009 Think Locally, Act Locally: Spillovers, Spillbacks, and Efficient Decentralized Policymaking, with H. Ogawa, American Economic Review.
State and Local Government Finance in the Current Crisis: Time for Emergency Federal Relief?, Municipal Finance Journal.
Public Finance in an Era of Global Demographic Change: Fertility Busts, Migration Booms, and Public Policy, in J. Bhagwati and G. Hanson (eds.), Skilled Immigration Today: Problems, Prospects, Policies (Oxford: Oxford University Press).
2008 New Directions in Fiscal Federalism: Introduction, with R. Boadway and T. Buettner, Journal of Public Economics.
Disaster Policies: Some Implications for Public Finance in the U.S. Federation, Public Finance Review.
Fiscal Federalism, The New Palgrave, second edition.
2007 Disaster Policy in the U.S. Federation: Intergovernmental Incentives and Institutional Reform, National Tax Association, Proceedings of the 99th Annual Conference.
Symposium on "New Directions in Fiscal Federalism": An Introduction, with T. Buettner, CESifo Economic Studies.
Pre-Emption: Federal Statutory Intervention in State Taxation, National Tax Journal.
Medicaid Expenditures and State Budgets: Past, Present, and Future, with J. Marton, National Tax Journal.
State Government Cash and In-kind Benefits: Intergovernmental Fiscal Transfers and Cross-Program Substitution, with J. Marton, Journal of Urban Economics.
Economic Integration and Labor Market Institutions: Worker Mobility, Earnings Risk, and Contract Structure, with R. Schoeb, Regional Science and Urban Economics.
Local Government Finance in Kentucky: Time for Reform?, Kentucky Annual Economic Report.
Are State Business Tax Incentives Good Public Policy?: Comments on Some Multi-Disciplinary Perspectives in the Wake of Cuno v. DaimlerChrysler, National Tax Association, Proceedings of the 99th Annual Conference.
2006 Fiscal Competition, in B. Weingast and D. Wittman (eds.), Handbook of Political Economy (Oxford: Oxford University Press).
Global Competition for Mobile Resources: Implications for Equity, Efficiency, and Political Economy, CESifo Economic Studies.
The Dynamics of Municipal Fiscal Adjustment, with T. Buettner, Journal of Public Economics.
2005 Fiscal Policy, Human Capital, and Canada-U.S. Labor Market Integration, in R.G. Harris and T. Lemieux (eds.), Social and Labour Market Aspects of North American Linkages (Calgary: University of Calgary Press).
2004 The Institutions of Federalism: Toward an Analytical Framework, National Tax Journal.
Pareto-Efficient International Taxation, with M. Keen, American Economic Review.
Capital Tax Competition: Bane or Boon?, with J.D. Wilson (principal author), Journal of Public Economics.
Economic Integration and the Welfare State, CESifo Forum.
2003 Fiscal Competition: An Introduction, Journal of Public Economic Theory.

(The above essay is an introduction to a special issue of the Journal of Public Economic Theory; you may wish to consult the table of contents for more details.)

Fiscal Competition in Space and Time, Journal of Public Economics.
A (Much) Longer Version, with Derivations and Illustrative Calculations.
Table 1
Liberalization and the Spatial Allocation of Population in Developing and Transition Countries, in J. Alm and J.J. Martinez-Vasquez (eds.), Public Finance in Developing and Transition Countries: Essays in Honor of Richard Bird (Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing).
2002 Local Public Finance in the Aftermath of September 11, Journal of Urban Economics.
Tax Coordination: The Importance of Institutions, Swedish Economic Policy Review.
Fiscal Policy in Post-EMU Europe, European Union Politics.
2001 A series of chapters in D. Wildasin, M. Childress, M. Hackbart, L.K. Lynch, and C.W. Martie, Financing State and Local Government (Frankfort: Kentucky Long-Term Policy Research Center):
Chapter 1: "Tax Reform in Kentucky: Principles and Practice"
Chapter 2: "Recent Trends in Kentucky State and Local Tax Policy"
Chapter 3: "Sales Taxation in Kentucky: Problems and Prospects"
Chapter 6: "Local Government Finances in Kentucky"
2000 Factor Mobility and Fiscal Policy in the EU: Policy Issues and Analytical Approaches, Economic Policy.
State and Provincial Corporation Income Taxation: Current Practice and Policy Issues for the U.S. and Canada, Canadian Tax Journal.
Labor Market Integration, Investment in Risky Human Capital, and Fiscal Competition, American Economic Review.
1999 Public Pensions in the EU: Migration Incentives and Impacts, in A. Panagariya, P.R. Portney and R.M. Schwab (eds.), Environmental Economics and Public Policy: Essays in Honor of Wallace E. Oates (Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing).
Taxation, Migration, and Pollution, with A. Sandmo, International Tax and Public Finance.
1998 Risky Local Tax Bases: Risk-Pooling vs. Rent-Capture, with J.D. Wilson, Journal of Public Economics.
Factor Mobility and Redistributive Policy: Local and International Perspectives, in P.B. Sorensen (ed.), Public Finance in a Changing World (London: MacMillan Press, Ltd).
James A. Mirrlees and William Vickrey: The Nobel Laureates and Their Contributions to Public Economics, International Tax and Public Finance.
1997 Fiscal Aspects of Evolving Federations: Issues for Policy and Research, in D.E. Wildasin (ed.), Fiscal Aspects of Evolving Federations (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press).
Income Distribution and Redistribution within Federations, Annales d'Economie et de Statistique.
Factor Mobility, Risk, Inequality, and Redistribution, in D. Pines, E. Sadka, and I. Zilcha (eds.), Topics in Public Economics, (Cambridge, Cambridge University Press).
1996 Decentralized Income Redistribution and Immigration, with D. Wellisch, European Economic Review.
Fiscal Aspects of Evolving Federations: Introduction, International Tax and Public Finance.
Comments on "Fiscal Federalism and Decentralization: A Review of Some Efficiency and Macroeconomic Aspects" by V. Tanzi, in M. Bruno and B. Pleskovic (eds.), Annual World Bank Conference on Development Economics, 1995 (Washington, DC: The World Bank).
Imperfect Mobility and Local Government Behavior in an Overlapping-Generations Model, with J.D. Wilson, Journal of Public Economics.
1995 Factor Mobility, Risk, and Redistribution in the Welfare State, Scandinavian Journal of Economics.
Comments on "Institutional Competition" by D.C. North, in H. Siebert (ed.), Locational Competition in the World Economy (Tuebingen: J.C.B. Mohr (Paul Siebeck)).
Optimal Transportation Policy with Strategic Locational Choice, with J.F. Thisse, Regional Science and Urban Economics.
1994 Taxation and Savings: A Survey, with R.W. Boadway, Fiscal Studies.
Income Redistribution and Migration, Canadian Journal of Economics.
1993 Fiscal Competition and Interindustry Trade, Regional Science and Urban Economics.
Steady-State Welfare Effects of Social Security in a Large Open Economy, with F. Breyer, in B. Felderer (eds.), Journal of Economics (Zeitschrift fur Nationalokonomie), Supplementum 7 (Vienna: Springer Verlag).
Long-Term Debt Strategy: A Survey, with R.W. Boadway, in F. van Winden and H.A.A. Verbon (eds.), The Political Economy of Government Debt (Amsterdam: North-Holland).
State Income Taxation with Mobile Labor, Journal of Policy Analysis and Management.
1992 Relaxation of Barriers to Factor Mobility and Income Redistribution, in P. Pestieau (ed.), Public Finance in a World of Transition, a Supplement to Vol. 47 of Public Finance/Finances Publiques.
Public Facility Location and Urban Spatial Structure: Equilibrium and Welfare Analysis, with J.F. Thisse, Journal of Public Economics.
1991 Some Rudimentary 'Duopolity' Theory, Regional Science and Urban Economics.
Theoretical Issues in Local Public Economics: An Overview, with J.D. Wilson, Regional Science and Urban Economics.
Income Redistribution in a Common Labor Market, American Economic Review.
The Marginal Cost of Public Funds with an Aging Population, Journal of Population Economics.
1990 R.M. Haig: Pioneer Advocate of Expenditure Taxation?, Journal of Economic Literature.
Non-neutrality of Debt with Endogenous Fertility, Oxford Economic Papers.
Optimal Tax-Subsidy Policies for Industrial Adjustment to Uncertain Shocks, with R.W. Boadway, Oxford Economic Papers.
Budgetary Pressures in the EEC: A Fiscal Federalism Perspective, American Economic Review.
1989 Tax Expenditures: The Personal Standard, in N. Bruce (ed.), Tax Expenditures and Government Policy, (Kingston, Ontario: John Deutsch Institute for the Study of Economic Policy).
Tax-Transfer Policies and the Voluntary Provision of Public Goods, with R.W. Boadway and P. Pestieau, Journal of Public Economics.
Non-Cooperative Behavior and Efficient Provision of Public Goods, with R.W. Boadway and P. Pestieau, Public Finance/Finances Publiques.
Demand Estimation for Public Goods: Distortionary Taxation and Other Sources of Bias, Regional Science and Urban Economics.
A Median Voter Model of Social Security, with R.W. Boadway, International Economic Review.
Interjurisdictional Capital Mobility: Fiscal Externality and a Corrective Subsidy, Journal of Urban Economics.
Voting Models of Social Security Determination, with R.W. Boadway, in B. Gustafsson and A. Klevmarken (eds.), The Political Economy of Social Security (Amsterdam: North-Holland).
1988 The (Apparent) Demise of Sales Tax Deductibility: Issues for Analysis and Policy, National Tax Journal.
Indirect Distributional Effects in Benefit-Cost Analysis of Small Projects, Economic Journal.
Nash Equilibria in Models of Fiscal Competition, Journal of Public Economics.
1987 The Demand for Public Goods in the Presence of Tax Exporting, National Tax Journal.
Theoretical Analysis of Local Public Economics, in S. Mills (ed.), Handbook of Regional and Urban Economics (Amsterdam: North-Holland).
Tax Exporting and the Marginal Cost of Public Spending, Economics Letters.
Federal-State-Local Fiscal Relations: A Review of the Treasury Report, Public Finance Quarterly.
1986 Interstate Tax Competition: A Comment, National Tax Journal.
Randomization of Commodity Taxes: An Expenditure Minimization Approach, with F.R. Chang, Journal of Public Economics.
Spatial Variation of the Marginal Utility of Income and Unequal Treatment of Equals, Journal of Urban Economics.
1985 Income Taxes and Urban Spatial Structure, Journal of Urban Economics.
On the Analysis of Labor and Capital Income Taxation in a Growing Economy with Government Saving, Public Finance/Finances Publiques.
An Alternative Approach to Aggregate Surplus Analysis, with R. Harris, Journal of Public Economics.
1984 The q Theory of Investment with Many Capital Goods, American Economic Review.
A Note on the Analytics of the RFPS Equalization Formula, with T.J. Courchene, Equalization Payments: Past, Present and Future (Toronto: Ontario Economic Council).
The Welfare Effects of Intergovernmental Grants in an Economy with Distortionary Local Taxes: A Simple General Equilibrium Analysis, Journal of Public Economics.
Comment on Province Building and Industrial Structure in a Small Open Economy, in D.D. Purvis (ed.), Economic Adjustment and Public Policy in Canada (Kingston, Ontario: John Deutsch Institute for the Study of Economic Policy).
On Public Good Provision with Distortionary Taxation, Economic Inquiry.
1983 The Welfare Effects of Intergovernmental Grants in an Economy with Independent Jurisdictions, Journal of Urban Economics.
1982 More on the Neutrality of Land Taxation, National Tax Journal.
1980 Distributional Neutrality and Optimal Commodity Taxation: Reply, American Economic Review.
Locational Efficiency in a Federal System, Regional Science and Urban Economics.
1979 Public Good Provision with Optimal and Non-Optimal Commodity Taxation: The Single Consumer Case, Economics Letters.
Local Public Goods, Property Values, and Local Public Choice, Journal of Urban Economics.
1978 Some "New" Results on Optimal Commodity Taxation, Public Finance/Finances Publiques.
1977 Distributional Neutrality and Optimal Commodity Taxation, American Economic Review.
Public Expenditures Determined by Voting with One's Feet and Public Choice, Scandinavian Journal of Economics.

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David E. Wildasin / dew@davidwildasin.us

Martin School of Public Policy
   and Department of Economics
University of Kentucky
Lexington, KY 40506-0027

Telephone: + 1 859 257 2456
Fax: + 1 859 343 1937
